Hi Promise Community Families! Resources this week include financial assistance updates, food distribution updates for the summer, and other resources. 

Harris County COVID-19 Relief Fund

Thanks to generous funding from the Greater Houston Community Foundation, BakerRipley is providing direct financial assistance to income-eligible families who have been economically affected by COVID-19. Please reach out to Ms. Keara or call a BakerRipley community center for more information and to see if you qualify.

Harris County will also make funds available to the public with an application that will open June 23 and June 24 online and by phone. Visit the website for more information:

BakerRipley Food Fairs - June Dates

Also, if you or your children are interested in volunteering at the food fairs, BakerRipley is looking for helping hands:

Eviction Help - DontGetKickedOut.Com

For resources on eviction and renters rights, visit

PCS is offering Grab and Go meals

Promise Community School District is offering Grab and Go meals at no cost to anyone 18 and under. Baker Ripley staff will assist with loading the meals in the trunk of the vehicle. Children do not need to be enrolled in Promise Community School District to get free breakfast and lunch for the week.


Promise Community School District está ofreciendo comidas sin costo alguno para menores de 18 años. El personal de Baker Ripley ayudará a cargar las comidas a su vehículo. Los niños no necesitan estar inscritos en el Distrito Escolar de Promise Community School para obtener desayuno y almuerzo gratis durante la semana.


Meal Distribution Sites/ Sitios de distribución de comidas

  • Baker-Ripley Gulfton Campus  6500 Rookin St Houston, TX 77074

Last Day June 22nd  11:00 am- 1:00 pm (one trip to get 14 days of meals)

El ultimo dia es el 22 de junio de 11:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. (un viaje para obtener 14 días de comidas)


  • Ripley House Campus  4410 Navigation Blvd. Houston, TX 77011

Last Day June 22nd 11:00 am-1:00 pm (one trip to get 14 days of meals)

El ultimo dia es el 22 de junio de  11:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. (un viaje para obtener 14días de comidas)